Name that Price game...

Now... if you've arrived from my facebook... good for you!  I went shopping today and was so surprised by the price of my fruit and a few other things... so I decided I'd play a game with you to see if you can name that price!  *game show voice*... ^^

Check your answers below and tell me how you did!!

 Post Granola and Coconut Cereal.
did you guess... 
5,300 won?

Pomegranate scented dish soap...
4,800 won

 Apples (10)...
7,800 won (EEEKKKKK!!!!!)
 Tangerines/ baby oranges (?) (18)...
3,900won (that's better...)

 Broccoli and Mushrooms (2)...
Broccoli- 1,800
Mushrooms- 1,200

 Tio Peach Tea...
 Kiwi (13)...
4,500 won
5,000 won.

How'd you do?!  Did you cheat?!  Fruit is expensive... 
talk about having a hard time staying healthy!!

Total came up to:..... 37, 840 won... wowza... including 2 plastic bags at 20won a bag...
Thanks for playing... stay tuned for pictures from our field trip last week!



JIW said...

featured this post on my blog:
