Nami Island~~

So today, Youngsu and I decided to head out to Nami Island for the first time and spend they day outside~~  Here's a few pictures of our time.  Before starting your day on Nami Island, you should first buy a visa (ticket) as the theme of Nami Island is it's a whole 'nother country.  Also named Nami-Nara (Nara meaning country).  It boasts UNICEF and has a lot of places and information on how to help with the cause.  I was quite impressed.  Also, you could use a zip-wire to get to the island but this option cost a bit more.  We also saw many people bungee jumping... you can see one guy's picture at the end.  I bought the tickets and ended up getting us both foreigner priced "visas" at 8,000 won a piece.  This deal is only until December so if you want to go, you should check out this price or pay 10,000 after that date (I guess... haha it's not a big difference really). We later used the 2,000 we saved to buy ice-cream >.<  We saw lots of couples and families and enjoyed spending the day outdoors and getting some sun~

Hope you enjoy our pictures~

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Kelcclay said...

I TOTALLY want to do the zip line!!!! We're SO doing it, it's going on the list. LOL!

Why am I here??? said...

This is where Sung Hyun proposed to me!!!!! What a lovely place.

I adore your lovers monkey shirt btw