i've thankfully had some friends who've helped me move junk to my storage unit! woohoo!
i had a breakdown after i realized that my parents wouldn't be here until friday night...i have to finish all my packing before 2pm on friday...my dad won't be here for commencement rehearsal...i have my huge test tomorrow and i'm freaking out.
i've been reviewing like crazy and feel like none of it is in my brain...argh!
but i still have a ton to do...and i have to work tomorrow too...i have to wash my clothes...take stuff to my storage unit...clean everything out of here in order to deep clean...closet...bedroom...bathroom...living room...kitchen...argh!
then back to living out of boxes...until i hopefully leave for South Korea in July...
i just want to know that all this is not going to go to waste...that i'm not going to fail my class and end up disappointing my family....i wish my teacher was simpathetic and would just at least reassure me that i wouldnt walk the stage on saturday having failed my class...
it's never made...and the rest of my empty room...(sorta)...it's a bit echoy...great for singing...not so great for my neighbors! LOL!
anywhoo...hope you enjoyed my Emo Post...
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